Powerfully Persuasive Resumes from a Vancouver Resume Writing Service

Powerfully persuasive resume — a crucial career tool that opens interview doors to the jobs and the salaries you deserve by:

  • Presenting your key accomplishments and highlighting their impact while providing hints of how you made them happen — and why you’ll achieve equally valuable results for your next employer,
  • Showing you working effectively with colleagues and leading teams that deliver above expectations, and
  • Proving that you’re ready to take on bigger challenges.
Tim Cunningham

Over the last fifteen years, more than fifteen hundred CEOs, other executives, mid-career managers and professionals have found that my resume writing services made their job searches short and successful.

Tim Cunningham, CPRW
Your Vancouver Resume Writer
Owner, Fast & Focused Resume Service
Vancouver, BC

Andrew O’Brian - Fast & Focused resume services

Andrew O’Brian
Chief Executive Officer, Centerline Airport Partners

“Thank you for your tremendous support . . . the resume was crucial in terms of selling my skills. I am off to manage five international airports as the CEO. It was a pleasure to work with you.”

Why Choose Me?

When Statistics Canada says that the average job search takes well over 15 weeks, a professional resume writer can make the crucial difference between a short job search and a long one. I’ve helped more than fifteen hundred clients move on to bigger and better career opportunities. Here are some of the reasons why my resumes win job interviews and make my clients happy.

First, unlike many practitioners who transitioned to resume writing from HR, my previous work was in financial supervision, purchasing and sales. After that, I founded my own company and made it profitable. This operational background gives me a deeper understanding of what employers are looking for than the job descriptions can provide.

Next, interviewing skills. The best way to increase your resume’s persuasive power is by presenting professional wins that show recruiters and employers how well you’ll perform in their open positions. But knowing what we should do doesn’t automatically enable us to do it. Facing the blank screen, many of us discover that knowing we should focus on our wins doesn’t help us remember more than one or two of them before our minds freeze.

And here’s where I bring a special skill to the table.

My dad was a TV journalist. Watching him work every night taught me how to ask questions that help clients get past mental freezes and remember significant work successes. So along with the basic questions that every resume writer asks, I ask questions that trigger memories and uncover forgotten successes. Often that process starts by asking my clients one or more “unaskable” questions: things that hiring managers would love to know, but job ads usually don’t ask about. Questions like: “What crises did you manage?” or “What disasters did you clean up?” Recounting the full scope of your accomplishments and your successes in managing tough challenges is a key tactic that helps you win job interviews.

However, uncovering and listing your accomplishments is not enough to ensure success. That’s why this professional resume writer’s final step is presenting your successes in ways that maximize their impact.

With thousands of people applying for a single job opening, managers don’t have time to read each word of every resume. Instead, they’ll only read the first third of the first page before making the “circular file/ interview pile” decision. Over the years, I’ve developed a range of strategies to take advantage of this practice, and I’ll pick the one that quickly captures — and holds — your prospective employer’s attention.

When hiring managers learn that you devised successful operations strategies, consistently delivered significant sales growth, created helpful procedural improvements, or whatever achievements mark success in your field, then job interviews will start happening. Instead of job searches lasting an average of 15 weeks or more, my BC clients report that my resume writing delivers results like:

  • Multiple interviews for executive-level capstone positions within a few days,
  • Ten interviews, three job offers (including one from a Fortune 500 company) — and a board membership in three weeks.
  • Five interviews in sixteen days,
  • Four interviews and two job offers in two weeks,
  • Lower anxiety levels,
  • Double-digit salary increases, and
  • Additional income from winning new jobs faster that more than covered the cost of their new resumes.

Here are some of their stories.

As a bonus, I’ll also show you how to transform the conventional thank-you note into a powerful job-winning tool all by itself. That way, you’ll have another opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

Call today to put my resume writing services to work for you.

Eric Li - Fast & Focused resume services

Eric Li

“Your magic resume writing won more than ten interviews within just three weeks and played a crucial role in landing a job with a major local company and as a board member of a non-profit. Besides the offer I accepted, I got two other offers.”

Stronger in resume writing

LinkedIn Coaching

These days it’s not enough to have a strong resume. Because you can provide more information on LinkedIn than you can on a resume, many recruiters and hiring managers will only consider a candidate if that person has a strong LinkedIn profile.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, I’ll show you how to set one up. And if you already have one, I’ll show you how to make it work for you by increasing reader interest and steering hiring managers to find you. I’ll also teach you how to locate and research new job opportunities and how to use LinkedIn to help you stay ahead of your field. 



Resume Alignment

Creating a resume that presents your successes is only half the battle. A generic resume might match up perfectly with company A’s requirements and get you an interview. But if company B advertises a similar position with only slight variations in their chosen requirements, your company A resume might wind up in the circular file even though you’re an ideal candidate for the job.  That’s why the next step in my resume writing service is to align your resume with each job ad you reply to – so you’ll present the best possible fit. 

After more than a decade in the field, I know how to tailor clients` resumes to match the requirement of specific job ads. When you work with me, I`ll do it for you – and show you how to do it yourself. 

Maximize Interview Follow-Ups - Fast & Focused resume services

Interview Preparation

When your resume, your cover letter, and your LinkedIn profile proclaim your successes, your chances of being interviewed increase exponentially.

When you arrive at your interviews, you`ll get another bonus. You`ll discover that everything that you learned during our resume consultation will have prepared you to handle the critical questions about your professional experience. When you find the answers you need on the tip of your tongue, you`ll relax – and your confidence will tell the interviewer that you are ready to do the job.

Call me today to prepare for your job interviews.


Agne Zurauskaite
Business Development Manager, The Economist

“In the 16 days since you sent me the resume package, I’ve been called for five interviews – in the middle of the recession!”

Why Hiring a Professional Resume Writer May Not Cost You a Cent
(For anyone who has not used a professional before)

Many people ask: “Can I afford a professionally written resume package?” That question, unfortunately, doesn’t deal with the real issue, which is: How much will it cost me to look for a new job without such a package?

A well-written entry-level, professional, or executive resume package is an investment in your future that cuts weeks or even months from your job searches; some clients report getting multiple interviews in their first or second week using their new resume packages. But anyone who relies on the kind of average resume that most of us have been taught to write is likely to experience an average job search which in BC currently lasts about 15 weeks (75 working days).

Calculate how much income you will lose every day by being out of work, or by not working in the right place. If you make $40,000/ year, that loss is $154 each working day. At $80,000, it’s $308, and at $100,000 it’s $384 every day. If we multiply this daily income loss by the length of the average job search, we get the following results: jobseekers who rely on a professionally written resume package can gain anything up to $11,550 if their salary is $40,000, up to $23,100 if it’s $80,000 and up to $28,000 if their salary is $100,000.

And one last point: stronger resumes have often helped my clients land higher-paying jobs and negotiate better benefits packages!

So give me a call and see for yourself why working with a professional resume writer makes dollars as well as sense.

Wendy Kebwaro

Wendy Kebwaro
Chief Operating Officer, BC Centre for Disease Control

“I was keenly looking for a professional to connect with in the large undertaking in finally investing in myself and my career. Tim is incredibly knowledgeable, very efficient and asked me questions positioned to bring out the absolute best in me. Tim helped create the best resume I have seen to date, and I say this confidently as part of my role is recruitment… I wholeheartedly recommend Tim if you are contemplating truly investing in yourself and your career.”

How We’ll Create Your Outstanding Resume Package

Over the last 15 years, I’ve developed a resume-writing process that gives clients repeated opportunities and triggers that help them remember critical details that prove their mastery of every challenge that prospective hiring managers need them to meet.

Here’s how it works. First, I’ll invite you to review your career from some perspectives many job seekers never consider. Then we’ll meet for our interview where I’ll ask questions that trigger forgotten memories and bring out important achievements that will strengthen your case. When you review your resume and cover letter, first at the draft stage, and then when you receive the final versions, it’s highly likely that you’ll remember other key details which we will then add to the resume.

And there’s a fringe benefit to this process: when you submit a results-focused resume, your interviews will change. Hiring managers won’t need to figure out whether you can do the job when your resume has already shown them that you are more than capable. Instead, they’ll want to find out how you did what you did to get a better feel for the way you work. And because we’ve already made a deep dive into these accomplishments, your answers to their questions will be at the tip of your tongue – which will make you a far more relaxed and engaging candidate.

You might be wondering, “What’s the turnaround time?” Under normal circumstances, I give clients multiple opportunities to review their work history and remember additional details. Using this timeline, I’ll produce your resume in about a week. But if you have a tight deadline, I’ll make special arrangements to meet it.

So don’t rely on the average resume writing process. Instead, let me help you craft a resume that works in today’s business world.

Don Coulter

Don Coulter
CEO, connectFirst Credit Union
Former CEO, Concentra Bank / Wyth Financial
Former CEO, Coast Capital Savings

“I wanted to let you know that I was appointed to the President and CEO position. Thank you very much for your help.”

How to Choose a Good Resume Writer in Vancouver, BC

1- Look for a professional resume writer who holds one of the following credentials ACRW, CARW, CPRW, MRW, NCRW.

2- Check out the samples they provide. Do they:

  • Stop short at listing job responsibilities, or do they emphasize results and patterns of success over multiple jobs? Choose a writer who highlights their clients’ successes.
  • Are those results quantified?
  • Can readers understand the significance of the results?
  • Does the writer use strategies that capture the reader’s attention quickly?

3- Look for client reviews that mention successful results and ease of working together.

4- Talk to the writer. How many people in similar positions have they worked with? With what results?

Maryam Najafiam Razavi

Maryam Najafiam Razavi
Product Manager

“I found Tim reliable, detail-oriented, fast, and efficient . . . In a month, I had numerous interviews, which led to multiple job offers, and eventually, a new job with a 45% bump in the salary. This was such a worthwhile investment in my career.”

My “magic” resumes have helped more than a thousand job seekers find new jobs faster. In addition, many of those clients received multiple interview invitations within one or two weeks.

Joao Pimental

Joao Pimental

“Tim nailed the resume that made me land in my dream job. What I liked the most in the process were his skills to read my master resume, proceed with an interview and after all that, come up with excellent material (resume and cover letter). Thank you, Tim. I hope you keep helping people achieve their dreams as you did with me.”

Certified Professional Resume Writer

Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches™  

Resume writing is a challenging art. For more than twenty years, the Professional Association of Resume Writers have set the standards for the field, and the seal of a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW) has identified professionals who have mastered the challenges of producing resumes and cover letters that help job seekers win the jobs they deserve. Today, the CPRW is so widely recognized that many career book editors will only accept resume submissions from writers with this credential.

As a CPRW for more than a decade, my goal is to offer my clients an unbeatable resume writing service while upholding the standards that revolutionized the industry.

Gallery of Best Resumes

Featured In:
The Gallery of Best Resumes

The Gallery of Best Resumes is a state-of-the-art collection containing 150 resumes and 30 cover letters written by some of the world’s finest professional resume writers.

Member of Career Directors Fly Higher

Career Directors International,

CDI is a membership-based business dedicated to mentoring successful career and resume entrepreneurs who love what they do. Founded in 2007, CDI has developed significant professional initiatives, including:

  • Toast of the Resume Industry awards
  • Best Practice Tips sheets
  • Expert Webinars, Video Lessons and Teleclass series
  • Career Innovator awards
  • Mega Trend reports
  • World’s Best Resume Writer awards
  • Global Career Empowerment Summit
  • Update Your Resume Month and Update Your References Week
  • Numerous media and press initiatives.